Saturday, January 11, 2014

Real Life Mama

I now get to enjoy moments like these, every day, ALL day! It's my dream come true! 

You're probably thinking - "Really, mama? All day, every day? Because my days aren't like this EVERY day and especially not ALL day." 

So let's be real. ALL day EVERY day isn't like this. My little guy rarely has a bad day {Praise the Lord}, but I {yes, this mama right here!!} have plenty of bad days. 

I struggle with being a mama, friends. 

Almost daily. 

If you're anything like me, those cute little faces, like my little Christian man above, really do make it all worth it. But there are a lot of days that I question what I'm doing. 

If I were to write down everything I do in a day I know the list would be long and I'm sure your's would be too! 

But this is the list I see in my mind when I think about my day: 

Didn't read the Bible long enough. 

Fed the baby. 

Changed the baby.

Cleaned up spit up. 

Folded laundry. 

Washed dishes. 

Made the beds. 

Cooked dinner. 

Tried to squeeze in some blogging...and the baby woke up.

Fed the baby again. 

Cleaned up baby after a major blow out. 

And the list repeats itself... again, and again, and again. 

Day in and day out. 

When the day is over what "accomplishments" do I have to show for myself? 

Usually it's not a whole lot in a tangible sense. There are no "promotions" for motherhood. Unless, that is, you count adding in another bundle of joy!? :) {No, we aren't expecting again!}

I don't know about you, but I'm often left with a lot of doubt. 

Is being mommy really enough????

I should have blogged more. 

I should have made a healthier dinner. 

I should have really deep cleaned and organized the kitchen. 

I should have baked a homemade dessert for small group instead of buying the packaged cookies from the store. 

I should have played with the baby more. 

I should have, I should have, I should have. 

The funny thing is that most of us probably feel this way as moms. But the pressure to do more and be more is probably coming from moms too!! 

Let's be real with one another. 

Let's have playdates in our pajamas {because we don't really get dressed up every day! Or is that just me?? }. 

There's nothing that makes me happier than when I get together with another mom and both of us are in our comfy clothes and haven't showered. 

Let's bring the packaged snacks to gatherings. 

Let's delete our pinterest accounts and take away the pressures of this world to be more. 

Loving on our little ones and showing them the love of Christ, leading them in truth daily is 

Being mommy is more than enough. 

It's everything. 

I'm talking to myself here too. We are the best moms for our kids. No one can do it better than we can. Our specific kids were given to us for a reason. And we are everything they need. So even when the only rewards of mothering is the smiles and hugs and laughter, let's remind each other that we are enough. 

Being mommy is enough. 

If you don't believe me...just ask your little one. 
I think my little guy thinks I'm just enough :) 

Even if we can't see it, there is a purpose to all the little, tedious tasks we do.

Psalm 138:8
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands."


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Katie! Now to remind MYSELF this daily! ha ha!

  2. I have a few friends without kids, and sometimes I get so flustered when they come over. "Don't you ever clean your house?" "Why can't you just take a shower?" etc. It's hard, and frustrating, because I end up feeling so bad about myself and feeling like I don't do enough. Thankfully my husband always comes home and reminds me that what I do is everything -- raise our son, care for him. The house, the dishes, it can all wait until bedtime. Great post!

    1. Its definitely hard to remember to give ourselves grace! {And other mamas too!!} Sounds like you have an awesome support in your husband though! Friendships really do change after kids too! Thanks for your comment! :)


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