Monday, January 27, 2014

My "One Word"

January is nearly over and I've yet to share my "one word" for 2014. 

Maybe that's just a sign that I'm doing better already at living my word?? I can only hope! 

Over the past almost 8 months since Christian was born, I have been redefining life and what is "normal"...from how often I shower, how long I get to sleep, how much alone time I get, how often I even get to do my hair or really get dressed...or do yoga pants count?? Because then I get dressed every day! :) 

My goal for this year is to really SIMPLIFY life.  
Hash out my priorities and get them better in line. 

I want to really live my priorities, after all, actions speak so much louder than words. I want Christian to know what is really important to me. 

Matthew 6:21 
"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also." 

If you were to look at my days and into my mind on a daily basis, this is what it would appear my treasures are:  

A good image...


A Happy Baby


Nice Stuff 

A Clean House 

An Empty To-Do List 

Instead, I want my days to show that I treasure:

A relationship with my Savior first and foremost 

Being present with people 

Caring well for others 

My priorities are God, My Family, and My Friendships

Matthew 6:33
"Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
 and He will give you everything you need." 

Join me as I seek to find balance in this life as mommy seeking to simplify and enjoy all that I have been blessed with this year! I'm hoping to simplify all that I do from the things that I keep and have to how I spend my time daily. 

Did you pick a word for the year?
 If so, what is your "one word" for 2014? 


  1. I love this! My one word for this year is "intentional." I want to be intentional in every aspect of my life: my walk with God, my relationship with my husband and step kiddos, building my character and seeking who I am in Christ, and loving others. :)

    1. Thanks! Love your word too!! I could really work on being more intentional too! I really like the whole "one word" idea though for a year!


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