Hello blog world! It's me, Chandelle! I'm still alive over here...just trying to find my way through the boxes...
Just kidding, but we did move into our new house just over a week ago and we are LOVING the new place and all of the space! I sometimes forget we have a whole second level to take advantage of now!
But anyway, back to the boxes....we are actually pretty much all unpacked already!
It's amazing. I know.
Oh...and we have had internet since the second day...
So why haven't I blogged and at least done a 9 month update for Christian (he is 10 months already after all...) ???
Well...because I've been busy settling into our new space and routine and all that jazz...and trying out some AWESOME new products!!
Seriously. We couldn't have gotten these products at a better time and I can't wait to tell you all about them! I don't know how we have made it 10 months without these.
Life changers I tell you!
When Christian was first born and we were living in our 2 bedroom, 2 level town home, we survived the multiple diaper changes every day and every hour and the multiple naps by including a Graco Travel Crib in our living room.
I would bend over that thing with the bassinet set up and get pains in my back with every diaper change. But it was convenient. And I didn't know what I was missing!!!
If you are having a baby, you NEED a playard with a changing table, bassinet and DreamCentre like Ingenuity's Washable Playard!!
Over the past few weeks we have used this SO MUCH -- For naps, night time sleeping, keeping Christian contained and safe while we move items out of the house or into the new house.
Even though Christian is older now, this playard is staying up in our house! It has its own special place in our bottom level of our house for easy access to stick Christian in if I need to do something quick. It also saves me trips upstairs to change his chunky butt and comes in handy for those drop in play dates and little nappers :)
So you're probably thinking..."Okay, I get it. Get a playard. But any playard should do, right?"
This is THE playard.
First of all -- The changing table: I have friends with Graco Pack n Plays and they complain that the changing table is not sturdy, but this changing table has a 25 pound weight limit (meaning I can still use it for my chunky 22 pound 10 month old) :) Honestly, I wish all changing pads had these high sides! Its so much easier to change my wiggly boy on this changing table than it is on the one we have in his room! Love it! And the little attached side trays make it easy to keep wipes and diapers right on hand.
DreamCentre: Perfect, cozy little space for your newborn to nap! Breathable sides are a plus! There is a loose pillow that also can be used, but since its not attached it can easily be removed as well. Soothing nature sounds and classical music lullabies also can be played. The sounds are actually soothing and relaxing -- not all jumbled sounding like some can be!

Did you read WASHABLE!?!? LOVE that you can just unzip everything and wash it all! Even the sides! Easily unzips -- even the changing table and bassinet/dreamcentre. Very convenient and removes the need for having extra sheets, etc. My only concern would be for night leaks and needing to change the bedding in the middle of the night on a trip...so sheets might still be a good idea.
In addition to all of the above, I love the colors of this product! They are more natural and match nicely with our home decor!
The only thing I can think of that I didn't love about this product is something that seems to be the case with all play yards/pack n plays that I have used...the mattress could always be softer and set up could be easier. I always have trouble getting the sides to lock in, but that could just be user error :)
Love this play yard! It has been a God send over the past few weeks as we have been moving and I can't wait to use it with our next little one! (In a few years! Don't get so excited!!)
Christian also sleeps great in it unlike other pack n plays (true story) and stays entertained playing in it as well! This is a great product to grow with you little one!
Visit buybuybaby.com and buy yours now.
**I was provided a complimentary product for the purpose of this review, but all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own**
**I was provided a complimentary product for the purpose of this review, but all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own**
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