Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Thankful Project Day 20 : Something About My Husband

Welcome to day 20 of The Thankful Project. Today's prompt is: Something About Your Significant Other or Best Friend. To learn more about The Thankful Project, find the list of prompts and join in the fun, click {here}.

I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for this post. 

On June 11, 2011, I met my husband and on August 18, 2012 we were married. Yep. You read right! I've only known my husband for just over 29 months! That's barely 2 years! 

Crazy how much our lives have changed in that short time. 

We got engaged. 

Got Married. 

Had a baby. 

Just did a complete 180 of what single life looked like and the lives we 'thought' we were living! 

During this time its crazy how much more I have gotten to know my husband. How different he is from the person that I 'knew' that day we met and even that day we got engaged and then got married! 

My husband is quite the man. 

He cares about being involved as a father. 

He wants to give Christian a bottle from time to time. 

He wants to change diapers, give baths, calm Christian when he is fussy. 

He even wants to help pick out Christian's clothes. 

And he is very particular about some things... 

like... having nothing {and I mean NOTHING} on the kitchen counters. No knife block, no spices, no kitchen appliances or utensils {you know, just the normal kitchen counter things...}

He hates clutter. 

But hey, I have my crazy things too...

like... instead of hating clutter, I'm actually a bit of a hoarder. So I guess its a good thing that I married an anti clutter freak or you just might have seen me on the next episode of Hoarders! 

Anyway, back to my husband and what I am thankful for about him. 

There is seriously so much about my husband that I am thankful for 
{despite all his little quirky habits/traits that can drive me crazy}

I'm thankful for who my husband is.

His persistence, dedication, and intentionality 
When he says he is going to do something, I know he is going to do it and with full commitment. He may have stumbled over the "faithful" part in our vows on our wedding day {ha ha ha}, but he is the most faithful and committed man. I see that not just in our relationship, but in everything he does. He pushes us to communicate and be intentional in pursuing our continued relationship as husband and wife. 

Who he is as a father to our son. 
This man is the best daddy I could ever ask for for my kids. He is fun, playful, loving and INVOLVED. He changes just as many diapers and spends just as much time calming our little guy as I do {minus the time he is at work and then its all me}. But that doesn't keep him from helping out at home and immediately spending time with me and Christian as soon as he gets home from work. In fact, a lot of our squabbles are now about who got to put Christian to bed, feed him dinner, or give him a bath! This man loves our little boy more than words can express and I'm so glad Christian gets to call him Daddy! 

I could go on and on for days about this man. He's the best. Just this morning after I was up a ton with Christian in the night because our little guy has a cold, Jim let me sleep late and took over with Christian. Not only that, but he folded all the laundry AND did the dishes. 

I know. He is the BEST. But he's mine! You can't have him! 

I'm so lucky to be doing life as a family of 3 with this man! 


What is something about your significant other or best friend 
that you are thankful for? 


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