Friday, August 2, 2013

Psalm 139 "He is fearfully and wonderfully made!"

Psalm 139:13-16
"Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; 
you formed me in my mother's womb. 
I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made! 
I worship in adoration - what a creation! 
You know me inside and out, 
you know every bone in my body; 
you know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, 
how I was sculpted from nothing into something. 
Like an open book, you watched me grown from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day. 

Every day I wake up to this sweet face and feel so blessed that he is ours. That God has chosen us to be his parents. I still remember how in awe I was on the day that he was born. I can't imagine giving birth and NOT believing there is a God. 

Christian was not an accident. He was formed in my womb by God. How can something (someone) so miraculous be an accident? 

As he lays sleeping in my arms, I stare at him in wonder, amazed by his little eye lashes, the way his heart beats strong and healthy and his little chest moves up an down as he breathes. 

This baby in my arms is not the doll of my childhood, but a living, breathing human that has been entrusted to my care, our care.  I often think, wonder, when his parents will come for him, or who we should ask what they want done for him. 

And then I remember...WE are his parents. And WE get to decide. Yes, we have been given an amazing circle of support we can look to when we are uncertain, but ultimately Christian is a child of God who has been entrusted to us, to love, support and guide. 

Jim and I are his parents here on earth, but God is the one who has formed him and given him life. And what a miracle that is! 

It is so fun to watch our little boy grow and change each day and I'm in so much awe! 
From how his body knew to take his first breath and let out that first cry, to his chatty "language" and ear to ear grins.

I can't get enough of this little guy and am so excited for all that God has in store for him! 

I often find myself worrying...worrying about little things that my hubby tells me aren't "valid worries". He is right. I worry is Christian getting enough to eat, is he happy, is he still breathing, does he know how much we love him??? The list goes on and on. 

Our baby boy gains a good 2 pounds a month so he is definitely getting enough to eat!
He is all smiles almost all day long and HAS to be happy. 
I can only trust that I am showing him how much we love him. 

Ultimately, God knows the plan He has for Christian's life and all we can do is trust in Him and do our best to follow his lead in caring for Christian and guiding him to that path. 

We are so THANKFUL for this opportunity and our hearts overflow with love for this little gift. 

Who knew someone so small could create a love so big?

I think I'm starting to get an even clearer picture of the Father's love for us...

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