Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Christian's Birth Story - Chapter 2 ... Mommy and Daddy Meet!

The young girl attended seminary for one full year. Through that entire year, the young girl was praying and asking God to make another plan. She offered up several other "options" but knew that seminary was where God had wanted her to be, but she wasn't sure why because she deeply felt called to someday get married and be a stay at home mom...not to be a Marriage and Family Therapist.

While in seminary, the young girl was living in a new area and looking to build a friend group closer to her new home and church. She decided the best way to do this might be to connect with a small group at her church and began attending a women's group through Substance Church. The group was made up of all single ladies in their 20s. After a few weeks of attending the group, the young girl was starting to feel unsure about her ability to relate and connect with these girls. Every week they would take pictures for their "online dating profiles" and talk about their dating lives. Maybe this should have been a sign that this wasn't a group where the young girl would grow spiritually, but God had her there for a reason! She just didn't know it yet! So, the young girl decided why not join an online dating site too!

In the middle of May 2011, the young girl signed up for After about a week or 2, the young girl received a "wink" from the young man and then young girl decided to "wink" back. However, she later decided she maybe wasn't interested in the young man and sent him a "not interested" reply. For some reason, though, the young man never got this message! Instead he ended up sending the young girl a "VIP message". On, "VIP" stands for "Very Interested Person" and each member only gets one of these messages to send to a match each week. The young man had chosen the young girl to send his ONE message to for the week!

Since the young man had chosen the young girl for this special message, she decided she would respond and just see where things would go. It turned out that they had a lot in common and this young man who looked like a true "player" in all his pictures was actually seeming to be genuine and sweet!

After almost a month of messaging back and forth, becoming friends on facebook and exchanging numbers to text, the young man invited the young girl to dinner. The young girl felt that was too formal and shot him down. Instead she suggested they do something more go to the horse races at Canterbury Park!

The young girl almsot didn't show up that day, but luckily a friend talked her into it. She was a bit late, though (20-40 minutes depending on who you ask...). Both the young man and the young girl really enjoyed themselves on the date and planned to go out again. However, it ended up being almost a full month later before date #2!

The young girl was starting to think that the young man wasn't really interested in her and the young man thought the young girl was maybe out of his league and not interested in him! On their second date, the young girl DRILLED the young man with many questions and wasn't completely satisfied with some of his answers. After the date was over, the young girl continued to pray asking God what He had for the 2 of them and she continued to hear "trust me".

By the end of the summer, the young girl had finally found an open door to leave seminary! Within 2 weeks she accepted a full time job as an Employment Counselor and moved within 30 miles of the young man who had also moved by this point and bought his own townhome! They were no longer an hour apart!

Things really started to take off in their relationship and by August the young man had told his grandma that he was going to marry the young girl some day. The young girl is a little slow, though, and it wasn't until September that she even knew that she and the young man were officially a couple!

The young girl was so happy and often found herself in tears over how blessed and happy she was at this point in her life. Could things get any better!??!

And the story continues....

 On our 3rd date to Country Jam in Wisconsin

At the Minnesota State Fair September 2011...the day we DTR'd and I finally realized we had been "dating"

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