Monday, June 16, 2014

Things I Don't Do

If you follow me on instagram, you probably remember seeing some posts from me in May about the #PilatesSummerSeries with Robin Long over at The Balanced Life Online.

Well, after I think it was 2 weeks, of doing pilates with Robin and just tuning in to her blog, I kind of became addicted to her website. If you don't follow Robin, check. her. out. NOW. 

No, this is not a sponsored post. Robin isn't paying me to tell you about her. I just think she's that great and has a lot to offer :) Plus, her little girl is the same age as Christian and well, Robin has become my inspiration to get my pre-baby body back! 

Anyway, today Robin shared some posts from her "archives" and one of them..."Things I Don't Do" really got me thinking. 

I can't tell you how often I find myself making comparisons because of social media... and those comparisons, well, they don't exactly shout my praises! 

My life is simple. 

Often, the things that others are doing are just things that I simply don't do. 


Saying that, embracing that, is freeing! Although, some of my don'ts definitely should become dos...I want them to become dos...

So here is a list of things that I just don't do

I don't dress like I just walked out of a magazine. In fact, I mainly wear yoga pants every day and let me tell you...they aren't lululemon or any other big name brand ;) 

Oh and I also don't shower every day...I know. Beware. I'm a mom, though, need I say more? 

I don't live in a pinterest inspired house. Yes, I do have a million pins on pinterest, including pins of house projects. Will I ever do all of those pins? Definitely not. Will I hopefully someday do some of them? Maybe. I just like to pin :) 

I don't cloth diaper. Disposables all the way. Don't judge. 

I don't have a Victoria's Secret body. Never will. Maybe that's partly because I don't really work out. But I'm healthy and working on being even healthier. 

I don't garden. I used to and then entered Christian. Someday I hope to again, especially now that we have a yard that I can do it in! Actually, it just occurred to me the other day that I should probably be watering our plants that are already in front of the house...the annuals? Or are they perennials? Either way, I'm far from having a green thumb. 

I don't cook fancy new meals every day. In fact, the majority of the meals I make are basic...meat and vegetable or a single dish. What can I say? I'm not a chef. 

I don't have a gym membership. {Insert sad face here} Boy do I miss you Lifetime Fitness!! or the pool anyway... 

I don't blog very often any more. I used to dream of being that mommy blogger that shares about everything she is learning as a new mom to help other new moms in their journey. Guess what? I haven't been able to figure out how to do it and still keep up with my busy little boy and maintain my sanity. So I won't compare my little slice of the internet with anyone else's. This is just what it is. 
My thoughts and my memories. Nothing more. 

I do have fun playing with my baby boy every day, or just snuggling with him when he is a cranky, fussy, teething boy. I do play outside with him and go to the park and for walks. I do read him stories and teach him about the world. I do go to church and volunteer and read the Bible and lead a small group. I do cook dinner for us {most nights} and do the grocery shopping and laundry and keep a {mostly} clean house. I do spend time with my husband and relax at night. And when I do attempt a pinterest project or get to blogging or house projects, I do take my sweet time and not finish them for months and even then it may not have been what I envisioned or what pinterest said it would be like. 

I also should add that I don't upload pictures from my camera very those of you wanting smash cake pictures will just have to settle for these for now :) Someday there will be more haha 

On his actual birthday 

 At his birthday party

So what don't you do? Share in the comments or link to a post! I'd love to hear! 

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