Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to Be a Big Brother -- Brought to You By Baxter Foote

1. Supervise

New parents don't know what they are doing, so you need to watch them closely to make sure they keep your new little brother (or sister) safe! 


After all, you were a puppy once and you know how things should be done. 

2. Spend time with your new sibling

He probably doesn't have any real friends yet, and you will be his first! 

You don't want him to become lonely! 

3. Greet him (or her) every morning! Kisses are optional :) 

Make sure he knows you didn't forget who he was overnight :) 

Kiss him to show your love...but not TOO many kisses. 

4. Talk to him and share your insights on life

5. Comfort him after those nasty first shots

A gentle paw will let him know you are there for him 

6. Encourage him in 'tummy time' and show him how you hold your head high and he will learn fast!

He will probably start out weak, but tell him he is doing great! 

Strong muscles are important and you want him to grow up to be strong! 

7. Keep him warm 
Both by snuggling his boppy when he is away...

and snuggling him! 

Follow these simple rules on 'How to be a Big Brother' and you are sure to become his best friend! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) Baxter loves being a big brother...but he is a bit jealous too!

  2. OMG - cutest post EVER!!!!!!!

    Community Engagement Mgr,

  3. Tanner and Oliver completely agree with Baxter's advice. Great job!


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