Sunday, April 6, 2014

Christian James - 9 Months Old

Looks like I'm late once again with this baby update post. These last few weeks life has been a little bit crazy to say the least and blogging has been my last priority. We are pretty much all settled in our new house, with just a few boxes left to put away and get organized. Now we are just trying to get back into our daily groove...oh and get baby locks on our cupboards since they aren't empty any more! 

So...since we were in the process of packing when you turned 9 months old, I may have accidentally packed your monthly belly imagine a 9 month sticker on your plain white onesie :) The sticker will return at 10 months! Promise! 

You are actually already 10 months old, but I'm going to do my best to remember all of your 9 month stuff! 

You gained almost 1 more pound again since last month weighing in at 
22 pounds 3 ounces

You measured 29 inches long at your 9 month well check so I don't think you grew much taller this month...but mommy may not have had the most exact measurement at home last month, either. 

You have outgrown all of your 9 month clothes now and are
fully wearing 12 month sizes only.

Still in size 3 diapers, but we have started to have some leaks again with Target brand in size 3 for overnights so we moved up to size 4 for overnights now.

Such a little mover and so curious

You've also started to become a bit of a mama's boy...and I'm okay with that :) Daddy wishes you were a daddy's boy, though! 

You are always on the go and hate sitting still! 

You now nurse about every 4 hours and
  eat 3 meals a day plus a snack

You've also figured out how to 
pull up to standing with your walker on your own 
now and can really get around! 

You love being able to just move around your playroom and find the toys you want when you want them! So independent

You still are our happy little boy
Everyone always asks "Is he always this happy and smiley??" 
You are!! 

We can't get enough of your smiles and giggles!

You LOVE finger foods! Especially fruit
Raspberries have been your new favorite this month. 
You will try anything we give you and haven't been picky...hopefully you stay that way! 

Of course, just when I thought your schedule was getting more consistent, you went and changed it up.

You dropped your 3rd cat nap of the day this month and now nap only twice a day, usually around 10:30am and 2:30pm. 

Your 9 month schedule looked something like this: 

7:30-8am Wake up and breakfast 
10:30am Nurse and Nap (about 1.5-2 hours)
12pm Lunch
2:30pm Nurse and Nap (about 1-1.5 hours)
3:30/4pm Snack 
4:30pm Nurse 
6pm Dinner 
7:30 Nurse and Bed

Looking out the window
Getting into the cupboards
Crawling and pulling up on everything! 
Mama :) 
Dinosaur Train
Chewing on everything 
Finger Food 
Bath time
"Big kids" -- you always follow the big kids around at church trying to do what they do! 
The remote
The fireplace...
Climbing the stairs!
Your ball popper...the dino and the elephant!

Swallowing (sometimes you chew up your food but don't swallow it...) 
Taking naps when there is so much to do! 
Being told "no" 
Not getting what you want 

::Pictures and Videos from the Past Month::
Superbowl party with Daddy and your "girlfriend" Nora

Playing with your favorite ball popper! You crawl right to this toy, first thing! 

Cheering for the T-Wolves

Walking with your walker...always on the go!

You and Baxter "fixing" the chair...or destroying it...

You love love love to play with Baxter!! 

Daddy wanted to put this Easter Bonnet on your and see what it would look like if you had a sister...he wanted to get a dress for you to try on too...ha haha! I saved you! :) 

Bedtime stories with daddy

Reading stories in Spanish

Sick, fussy boy :( Just wanted to snuggle

You love your Patty Cake book!

Avocado is delicious!

You run (crawl) to the bathtub whenever the bathroom door is open and if you hear running water you go even faster! You LOVE the bath! 

You love peeking out the side of your crib when you wake up :) And Baxter loves peeking in at you! 

Facetiming with Grandma Karen

You are becoming so independent that sometimes you will only eat if we let you feed yourself your bottle.

Daddy thought you could be a ninja boy and wear his tie on your head... ha ha :) 

You can get your toys out all on your own now

Making a Valentine for Daddy 

The Valentine you sent to your friends :) 

Mommy's Valentines! 
Daddy, Baxter and you! 
You each gave me a rose :) 

Facetiming with Cousin Sarah so she could read you a bedtime story!

Watching Toy Story 3 with daddy waiting for Grandpa Ron to come visit

You love Grandpa Ron's hat

Play time with Grandpa Ron 

Grandpa Ron brought you a milk truck toy from his work ... Mommy thought you wouldn't be old enough to enjoy this toy yet, but she was wrong! You love pushing it around! 

Bedtime stories with Grandpa Ron

This chair sure tastes yummy!

Sled walks! It finally got warm enough to go outside so we took advantage!

You love being able to get around with your walker

Great Grandma Greta sent you some dum dum suckers for Valentine's are still too little to eat them by yourself but you absolutely LOVE when mommy holds it so you can suck up its yummy goodness! Here your tongue is all blue after a cotton candy one!

You started doing some nose dives into your car instead of using the door... 

You are working on some more teeth I think...and frozen blueberries feel oh so good and taste yummy!

Who needs a binky when you can suck your blankie strings

You think Jackson is so cool! 

Just a little acrobatics climbing around under the table exploring

Playing peek a boo on the stairs

Snoring sleepy boy

Stuffed shells are delicious! Eating your first big boy meal with mama and daddy!
So yummy!
Bath time!! 

Mashed potatoes are yummy but also feel really cool in your fingers!

You are a little climber...climbing right up in your bouncy seat on your own.

Pulling up to play seem to like this toy when you can stand up a lot more than you liked it when sitting down

You've started to not be a fan of purees and would prefer to feed yourself...
Here you aren't happy about your puree lunch...

Then after mommy gave you some big boy food instead -- ALL smiles!

Just moving around your room :) 

I think you like to blow the air at yourself more than you like doing the balls in your elephant popper

Pulling up on everything!

Box sleigh ride!

We got one last big snow storm so you and daddy climbed the giant snow pile in our yard!

Then went sledding down it

Little nap learned to pull up in your crib and would just keep standing up instead of going to sleep...even though you knew how to get back down...

Finally mommy would have to rock you to sleep

We bought a new house!!! 

Mommy and Daddy volunteered at church and you got to have a little date with your friend, Nora :) She has a really fun picnic table at her house!

You became very interested in the dryer this mommy put you in to check it out! 

When you were feeling sick the only thing that kept you happy was watching a show...and snuggling on the couch

Or hanging out with mommy in the moby! 

Time is flying by way too fast!! But I'm loving every minute of it and love you more and more each day...which is hard to believe we could love you any more! 

Hugs and kisses, 
Mommy and Daddy 

Mommy actually needs to clean up her computer because she has been taking so many pictures of you she is running out of disc space....

Stay tuned for a 10 month post...hopefully before you turn 11 months! 

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