Monday, February 3, 2014

Stop the Mommy Wars

Wow. I never realized mommyhood was a competitive sport.

I often feel like every decision I make is being thoroughly "reviewed" and "judged" by other moms. Maybe this is more of a fear in just my head, but a recent photo series, I think, shows that I'm not alone.

Let's be confident in the decisions we make as mommy and support our mommy friends in their decisions too.

What you decide is best for you, your child and your family, may not be what another parent decides is best for them.

And that's okay. 

There is more than ONE way to be a good mom.

Let's support each other as we find our "way".

Connecticut Working Moms recently released a photo series addressing this issue.

Maybe you've seen it going around Facebook. If not, check it out.

Stop the Mommy Wars. 

Click {here} to view the complete photo series. I highly encourage you do. 


  1. Love it! Thank you for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks! :) Now to remind myself this're doing it right too mama!!! :)

  2. My husbands friend ( who is staying in our basement) has a new gf with an 11 month old baby girl.. Every time she comes to my house with her daughter, she sits there and compares J to her daughter and talks to me like she's better.. I'm guilty of judging her though as it's after 1am and I can hear her baby crying in my basement when she stays the night with my husbands friend.. I did love the post about the mommy wars! So great. I also wish there was a blogger wars post. Especially with us mom bloggers, I feel like there is always someone being a bully . So sad.

    1. It seems an easy trap to fall into for me! I think it often comes from insecurity over my own if they aren't doing it the same way as me, am I doing it the right way?? ya know? We need to remember that all kids are different and there is no one right way. As hard as that should I put the sticky note reminders to myself?? ha ha Agreed about the blogger wars too! For me, though, I'm often comparing myself thinking that my blog isn't good enough because I don't have a bajillion followers...but that's not why I blog. And I need to remind myself about that! Loved your post the other day about that too!!! Thanks for the comment friend! :)


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